Ghana, the Black Star of Africa is celebrating her 68th Independence from Colonial Rule today.
Ghana gained her independence on 6th March 1957, making her one the first Sub-Saharan African country to gain independence.
Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast was once a British Crown Colony established in 1874. Ghana’s Independence can not be mentioned without the name of Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the Big Six who fought and negotiated for make this possible.
After 68 years of independence, Ghana has made some notable strides in Politics, Finance, Education, Infrastructure, Agriculture, Business and Health, but there still seems to be so much to be done – and much more that should have been accomplished by now as the Star of Africa.
Hence as Dear Ghana celebrates this milestone in her independence, African and the world looks to her to regain her rightful place amongst the committee of Nations.
Happy 68th Birthday Mother Ghana.
God bless Ghana, and make her great and strong !

Gustav Addo
Global African Times (Magazine & Media)